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Easy Password Storage

A secure, encrypted passwords saved on the floor


"A secure, encrypted location" Save your password
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Tired all the different passwords to remember you by?

Patient access to your computer, Internet Explorer password anyone using your password protected accounts saving integrated?

Now a secure, encrypted in one place for easy access you can store all your passwords.

saves all user names, passwords, and used Locations.

Password protected, now just have to remember a password instead of hundreds!

All information is encrypted and secure.

clicks a button to copy user name or password.

Fast direct web site or use your password will take place.

Lists can be sorted you \ re looking for easy to find.

Not any Adware, Spyware, or other Third Party Software contains.

(aka Private Label) version of this software is brandable, you sell full rights, www.rebrandsoftware.com are also available.

-all the user names, passwords, and is used in records.

Password, now just have to remember a password-protected instead of hundreds!

-All information is encrypted and secure.

-clicking a button, copy your user name or password.

-Fast web site that will take or where your password is used.

-lists can be sorted to find what they're looking for you easier. Now you can free download Easy Password Storage 1.2.

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